
AI-powered speech-to-text platform for enterprise-grade transcription and analysis

Customer Service
Closed Source

Overview: Talkscriber

Talkscriber is an advanced AI-driven speech-to-text platform designed to provide high-accuracy transcription services with additional features like emotion detection and purchase intent identification. It offers a secure, cost-effective, and flexible solution for businesses looking to convert spoken language into text and gain deeper insights from customer interactions. The platform supports multiple languages and dialects, making it versatile for global applications.

Key Features

  • High-accuracy transcription (Word Error Rate under 4%) Emotion detection at utterance level
  • Purchase intent detection
  • Multilingual support
  • Flexible deployment options
  • Real-time transcription capabilities
  • Robust security and privacy measures

Use Cases

  • Automating transcription for business meetings and customer calls
  • Enhancing customer service through emotion and intent analysis
  • Market research and customer behavior analysis
  • Improving sales processes with AI-driven insights
  • Content creation and management (for podcasts or video content)

AI Agent Details

Created by: Talkscriber

Category: Customer Service

Industry: Marketing

Pricing Model: Freemium

Access: Closed Source

Added on: 9/1/2024


AI transcription
emotion detection
enterprise solutions
customer analytics


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