
AI agent for automated web research and data aggregation.

Digital Workers

Overview: Superagent

Superagent is an AI-based tool designed to automate web research tasks by deploying AI agents powered by large language models (LLMs). These agents can browse the internet and user files to source valuable information, which can be accessed through interfaces like Airtable or an API. Superagent helps users efficiently gather and organize data from multiple sources for various applications.

Key Features

  • Automated web research using AI agents
  • Data aggregation from multiple sources
  • Integration with Airtable and API
  • Customizable search criteria for targeted data collection
  • Real-time data monitoring and updates

Use Cases

  • Lead Generation
  • Private Equity Research
  • Patent Tracking
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Content Aggregation

AI Agent Details

Created by: Alan Zabihi and Ismail Pelaseyed

Category: Digital Workers

Industry: Technology

Pricing Model: Freemium

Access: API

Added on: 7/8/2024


ai agent
web research
data aggregation
automated research


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