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Generate Surveys in Seconds using AI

Human Resources

BlockSurvey review

Create your survey in just a few clicks, using AI-generated questions. No programming skills are required! Our AI-powered survey analysis tool unlocks insights from your survey data in seconds. Analyze your survey data from BlockSurvey, Google Forms, Typeform, Jotform, SurveyMonkey, or Qualtrics and get actionable results instantly.

BlockSurvey Key Features

  • Upload Your Survey Data Easily, Instant Access to AI-Powered Survey Insights, Chat with BlockSurvey’s AI Survey Assistant

BlockSurvey Use Cases

  • AI survey creation, AI survey analysis

BlockSurvey Details

Created by: BlockSurvey team

Category: Research

Industry: Human Resources

Pricing Model: Freemium

Access: API

Added on: 10/28/2024

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