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The world's first AI-powered, self-paced startup accelerator - start your journey now.
AIAR Overview
Validate, Accelerate, Launch! AIAR is a self-paced, startup/business accelerator that leverages state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence to take your idea from concept to revenue in 90 days or less. AIAR helps you rapidly get to clear articulation (crucial to messaging), undeniable validation (crucial to bringing partners or funds) and readiness to launch a market-ready MVP (your path to revenue). Think of us like your AI Co-Pilot on your flight to success.
AIAR Key Features
AI mentors
Self-paced and personalized to YOUR idea
Objective-driven AI - which means that the app proactively asks questions, decomposes the business model and guides you forward
Reminders/notifications to stay on track
AIAR Use Cases
First time founders need mentoring and they are served through a high-quality AI mentors
Two separate mentors personas: one for business model/monetization and another for customer discovery/user behavior
Training and support for Business model, value proposition design, Customer discovery, Validation, and MVP design
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