Agent Q

Autonomous AI agent for complex web-based tasks and self-healing processes.


Overview: Agent Q

Agent Q is an advanced AI agent developed by MultiOn AI that automates complex, multi-step tasks on the web. It utilizes innovative techniques like guided Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and AI self-critique, allowing it to plan, adapt, and self-correct during tasks. This makes it highly effective for dynamic, real-world web navigation, improving the efficiency and accuracy of tasks such as booking services, managing online transactions, and interacting with digital systems autonomously.

Key Features

  • Guided Search with MCTS
  • AI Self-Critique
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Multi-Step Reasoning
  • Autonomous Web Navigation.

Use Cases

  • Booking Services
  • Online Transaction Management
  • Autonomous Web Navigation
  • Workflow Automation
  • Real-Time Decision Making.

AI Agent Details

Created by: MultiOn AI

Category: Productivity

Industry: Technology

Pricing Model: Paid

Access: API

Added on: 8/13/2024


Autonomous Agents
Web Automation
Self-Healing AI
Task Automation
Multi-Step Reasoning.


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